We continue in hot pursuit of communication excellence with this week’s blog on disarmament, i.e., disarming those who are intent on creating conflict. Let’s begin with this parable….
A clever African sage and trickster named Edshu was strolling on a piece of land disputed by two farmers. The conflict between them had raged for months, grinding to an impasse. Both farmers noticed the strange wiry Edshu, who was wearing a funny hat. They didn’t quite know what to make of the intruder. The presence of Edshu compelled the two combatants to engage each other in conversation for the first time in weeks. “Did you see that man with the funny blue hat?” one said to the other. “It was a red hat,” the other replied. “No, it was blue. I saw it with my own eyes!” shrieked one. “That hat was red, I tell you!” snapped the other.