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Terry's Original Quote Keepers

A minute of silence can be more productive than an hour of debate.
~Terry Braverman

Arrest yourself when under the influence of a negative thought.
~Terry Braverman

Give me levity, or give me death!
~Terry Braverman

An intimate relationship is the ultimate training.
~Terry Braverman

Clarity of purpose is the ultimate decongestant.
~Terry Braverman

Faith keeps the voice of fear out of your ear.
~Terry Braverman

Peace begins between your ears.
~Terry Braverman

Peace begins between your ears.
~Terry Braverman

Be patient, before you become a patient.
~Terry Braverman

Over-analysis causes paralysis.
~Terry Braverman

May the 'farce' be with you.
~Terry Braverman

Plan some time to be spontaneous.
~Terry Braverman

Laugh at yourself, and you will always be amused.
~Terry Braverman

Imagination sharpens the dull blade of routine.
~Terry Braverman

Inquisitiveness cures boredom; nothing cures inquisitiveness.
~Terry Braverman

Feed your soul, starve your worries.
~Terry Braverman

Avoid time in the Tower of Babble.
~Terry Braverman

Release any false sense of insecurity.
~Terry Braverman

Life is a fantasy, made real by our thoughts.
~Terry Braverman

We continue in hot pursuit of communication excellence with this week’s blog on disarmament, i.e., disarming those who are intent on creating conflict. Let’s begin with this parable….

A clever African sage and trickster named Edshu was strolling on a piece of land disputed by two farmers. The conflict between them had raged for months, grinding to an impasse. Both farmers noticed the strange wiry Edshu, who was wearing a funny hat. They didn’t quite know what to make of the intruder. The presence of Edshu compelled the two combatants to engage each other in conversation for the first time in weeks. “Did you see that man with the funny blue hat?” one said to the other. “It was a red hat,” the other replied. “No, it was blue. I saw it with my own eyes!” shrieked one. “That hat was red, I tell you!” snapped the other.

Last Sunday, a computer-based glitch on the United Airlines website allowed passengers to book flights to Hong Kong — or other places in Asia connecting in Hong Kong — in exchange for a paltry four frequent flier miles, plus government taxes. The advertised price of the ticket was accurate; the technical slip-up occurred in the transaction process. United eventually corrected the error and announced it wasn’t honoring tickets already sold. People could get a refund without paying a penalty or have the proper amount of miles deducted. Anyone who had already started their trip would be allowed to complete their travel. Several people who booked tickets are complaining to the DOT, which is now investigating the matter.

Last week’s post began an exposition of how good communication builds morale, trust and energy with those around you. For the sake of review, let’s go over the fine points of addressing different communication styles:

Know that even though we may all be speaking English, there are differences in communication styles that can lead to misunderstandings and mistakes. Having a strategy to adapt our communication style to others’ style can provide a positive approach to avoid and defuse conflict.

I call (good) communication one of my top three energy enhancers. Isn’t it true that we feel happy and energized when there is good natural flow of communication between us and others that results in clear understanding? Conversely, when we are stuck in unresolved communication calamity it tends to deplete us, like pulling the stopper from a bathtub drain.

Know that even though we may all be speaking English, there are differences in communication styles that can lead to misunderstandings and mistakes. Having a strategy to adapt our communication style to others’ style can provide a positive approach to avoid and defuse conflict.

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