The latest hot topic is the “wearable technology” revolution: eyeglasses with photo-shooting capability, pens harboring recording devices, and video recording on cell phones, leaving the individual vulnerable to abuse, misuse and exploitation by organizations and predatory plotters. Yet, it may also serve to expose lack of performance, dishonesty and corruption in the workplace, helping to improve both efficiency and ethical standards. What are the benefits and dangers?
Linked-In’s HR group tackles the ticklish question with some observations…
“I revert to one of the old reliable answers - prevention is better than cure…we had better make sure that the people we recruit and employ are not ‘spy-types’. - GS
“There are the obvious concerns surrounding privacy and security, and these new devices bring more challenges in this area. The current version of Google Glass is pretty distinctive, but what happens as the design evolves and it’s not apparent that someone is wearing Google Glass? How do you monitor and control a device that captures everything that a person sees and hears? There are also opportunities that come with wearable technology, especially when it comes to health and fitness. Imagine incorporating a wearable fitness device as part of a wellness incentive program. This could be another way to effectively reduce your health care benefit costs by capturing a vast amount of data around activity levels and sleep patterns.” - PH
“Tons of analytics could be used from this data to determine routes employees take frequently, congestion, structure redesigns and even amount of time an employee is sedentary and not working.” – DK
“Another area of opportunity for individual and team performance is wearable technology's potential role in helping people assess their stress level (perhaps continuous Heart Rate Variability monitoring?), as they prepare for and participate in a client or team meeting. Imagine an app that helps people inhibit their defensive/fight-flight response so they can stay focused and present and therefore more effective when the conversation takes a surprising turn. Maybe wearable tech can help support more team peak performance.” - CA
“The ability to steal sensitive information is already there…the ability of disgruntled employees (to record ‘evidence’) could help to improve the performance of less than honest employers.” - JB
“This goes both ways…Technology in the hands of someone who uses it with proper intent is invaluable. Technology in the hands of someone with ill intent is detrimental”. - CN
As we go forward with rapidly developing and potentially intrusive technologies, companies must consider and create clear boundaries for the use of wearable technologies to safeguard workers from negative overreach, while capitalizing on its opportunities.